

今天早上收到了介紹マドレーヌ新商品的絵本ナビShop電子報,想起上個月在MOE上面曾看過一群可愛的法國小孩的繪本,印象深刻,忍不住開始找Madeline相關的資料,《Madeline》在台灣翻做《瑪德琳》,由遠流於1996年出版,不過這系列由原作者 Ludwig Bemelmans寫的一共有六本,分別是:

  1. Madeline
    Madeline gets appendicitis and must go to the hospital to have her appendix removed
  2. Madeline’s Rescue
    Madeline falls off a bridge and is rescued by a stray dog who joins her school.
  3. Madeline and the Bad Hat
    The Spanish Ambassador moves in next door, and Madeline assumes his son Pepito is mean and spoiled
  4. Madeline in London
    Madeline and Pepito travel around the city of London
  5. Madeline and the Gypsies
    Madeline and Pepito run away to join a group of traveling gypsies
  6. Madeline’s Christmas
    Madeline celebrates Christmas with her friends




第一本的故事非常有趣,我覺得瑪德琳很像巴黎女孩版的湯姆(就是馬克吐溫的那個Tom Sawyer)



路德威·白蒙(Ludwigs Bemelmans,1898年4月27日-1962年10月1日),奧地利童書作家。

Ludwig Bemelmans was an Austria-Hungary-born American writer and illustrator of children’s books and an internationally known gourmet. He is known best for the Madeline picture books. Six were published from 1939 to 1961; a seventh was discovered after his death and published posthumously in 1999.


History of Madeline

So begins Ludwig Bemelmans’s beloved children’s story, Madeline. First published in 1939, Madeline and all five of its sequels have become classics, spawning toys, games, dolls, and even a motion picture. The original Madeline was named a Caldecott Honor Book, and the first of its sequels, Madeline’s Rescue received a Caldecott Medal. What is it about this character that has endeared her to readers for more than 60 years? The answer isttitude.

Madeline has been described as charmingly impetuous, irrepressible, mischievous, and precocious. She may have been the smallest of the 12 little girls in two straight lines, but she certainly was the feistiest. Wearing their flat sailor hats and identical coats, Madeline’s unnamed classmates all look alike except for their hair. But Madeline stands out, not because of the way she looks, but because unlike the other girls, she is utterly fearless. When she boldly tells the tiger in the zoo, “Pooh-pooh," you wonder if what she is really saying is, “I’m not afraid of you or anything else in this world!"

No doubt about it. Madeline is a gutsy little girl, and that’s what makes her such a unique role model in a time when storybook princesses defined femininity for girls. Madeline gave young girls a reason to explore who they were as individuals, even if that meant being a tad disobedient. She gave girls the courage to speak their mind and showed them that there was nothing unfeminine about being smart and strong.

Madeline inherited her spunky personality from her creator, Ludwig Bemelmans. Like Madeline, Bemelmans was a free spirit and a man of strong opinions. His list of creative talents was considerable novelist, muralist, nonfiction writer, screenwriter, and oil painter. He was a regular contributor to The New Yorker, Vogue, Holiday, and Town & Country magazines. He painted murals in a bar named for him at the Carlyle Hotel and sold a screenplay to MGM. Austrian-born Bemelmans lived in New York and surrounded himself with a rich variety of people, places, and personalities. At one point, he planned to collaborate on a book with then First Lady, Jacqueline Kennedy.

Bemelmans always considered himself more an artist-illustrator than a writer, and later in life he became a serious painter. His work is on display in the Metropolitan Museum in New York and the Muse� National d’Art of Paris. That isn’t to say he did not take his writing seriously, for he was careful never to insult his young audience. “We are writing for children, but not for idiots," he once stated.

A dashing nonconformist with a footloose lifestyle, Bemelmans took Madeline’s readers on whirlwind adventures in Paris, London, and the French countryside. No wonder that Madeline has become a worldwide phenomenon. “And that’s all there is — there isn’t any more."


Madeline From Wikipedia (English)





說起來,一切都要感謝一場交通事故。1938年路德威.白蒙在法國度假期間,不慎車禍受傷住院休養,醫院裡的修女及鄰房的小女孩,成為書中克拉薇修女及瑪德琳的人物造型,而主角的命名呢?路德威.白蒙直接借用了妻子(Madeline Freund)的大名,但現實生活中,他鐘愛的女兒Barbara才是瑪德琳真正的化身。


繪本的廣受歡迎,使卡通、玩偶及相關產品如雨後春筍般出籠,除原著榮獲凱迪克獎外,所改編的卡通,更榮獲美國卡通片艾美獎、有線電視ACE獎,系列商品在亞馬遜網路書店得到五顆星評價及兒童專業網站的推薦。兼具影音功能的卡通問世,對喜愛瑪德琳的人可謂一大福音,優美的旋律、朗朗上口的歌曲,為原著增添擋不住的魅力,只要聽過”I’m Madeline, I’m Madeline…”主題曲,便很深深烙印在腦海裡。



巴黎寄宿學院的俏皮小女孩《Madeline瑪德琳》 有 “ 1 則迴響 ”
